STMicroelectronics STM8S005C6T6 MCU Flash Memory Cracking can help engineer to reset the status of microcontroller in order to recover stm8s005c6 data content from its memory, the fuse bit of microcontroller stm8s005c6 will be unlocked;

Write protection of Flash program memory and data EEPROM is provided to avoid unintentional overwriting of memory that could result from a user software malfunction.
There are two levels of write protection. The first level is known as MASS (memory access security system). MASS is always enabled and protects the main Flash program memory, data EEPROM and option bytes when extract code from mcu stm8s003f3 flash memory.
To perform in-application programming (IAP), this write protection can be removed by writing a MASS key sequence in a control register. This allows the application to write to data EEPROM, modify the contents of main program memory or the device option bytes.

A second level of write protection, can be enabled to further protect a specific area of memory known as UBC (user boot code).
The size of the UBC is programmable through the UBC option byte (Table 12), in increments of 1 page (512 byte) by programming the UBC option byte in ICP mode to readout stm8s003k3 microprocessor software from its flash memory.

This divides the program memory into two areas:
- Main program memory: 32 Kbyte minus UBC
User-specific boot code (UBC): Configurable up to 32 Kbyte