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The advanced-control timer can each be seen as a three-phase PWM multiplexed on 6 channels. They have complementary PWM outputs with programmable inserted dead- times. They can also be seen as complete general-purpose timers. The 4 independent channels can be used for:
- Input capture
- Output compare
- PWM generation (edge or center-aligned modes) with full modulation capability (0- 100%)
- One-pulse mode output
In debug mode, the advanced-control timer counter can be frozen and the PWM outputs disabled to turn off any power switches driven by these outputs.
Many features are shared with those of the general-purpose TIM timers (described in Section 3.15.2 using the same architecture, so the advanced-control timers can work together with the TIM timers via the Timer Link feature for synchronization or event chaining.
There are up to four synchronizable general-purpose timers embedded in the STM32F301x6/8 devices. Each general-purpose timer can be used to generate PWM outputs, or act as a simple time base.
TIM2 has a 32-bit auto-reload up/downcounter and 32-bit prescaler
It features 4 independent channels for input capture/output compare, PWM or one-pulse mode output. It can work together, or with the other general-purpose timers via the Timer Link feature for synchronization or event chaining.
The counter can be frozen in debug mode. It has independent DMA request generation and supports quadrature encoders.