Readout STM8S001J3M3 Secured MCU Flash Program needs to reverse engineer stm8s001j3 internal wafer structure in the reverse order of chip manufacturing, and then clone flash memory program out from stm8s001j3 microcontroller;

The single wire interface module and debug module permits non-intrusive, real-time in- circuit debugging and fast memory programming.

Single wire interface module for direct access to the debug module and memory programming. The interface can be activated in all device operation modes. The maximum data transmission speed is 145 byte/ms.
The non-intrusive debugging module features a performance close to a full-featured emulator. Beside memory and peripherals, also CPU operation can be monitored in real-time by means of shadow registers by extracting secured stm8s103k3 microcontroller program.

R/W to RAM and peripheral registers in real-time
R/W access to all resources by stalling the CPU
Breakpoints on all program-memory instructions (software breakpoints)
Two advanced breakpoints, 23 predefined configurations
Nested interrupts with three software priority levels
32 interrupt vectors with hardware priority
Up to 37 external interrupts on six vectors including TLI
Trap and reset interrupts in the process of
32 Kbyte of Flash program single voltage Flash memory
128 byte true data EEPROM
Read while write: Writing in data memory possible while executing code in program
User option byte when reverse stm8s103k3 mcu flash memory