Readout Microchip PIC24FJ32GP203 Controller Firmware needs to unlock microchip pic24fj32gp203 microcontroller flash security and then decrypt locked microprocessor pic24fj32gp203 flash memory software;

Sleep and Idle modes Selectively Shut Down Peripherals and/or Core for Substantial Power Reduction and Fast Wake-up
Doze mode Allows CPU to Run at a Lower Clock Speed than Peripherals
Alternate Clock modes Allow On-the-Fly Switching to a Lower Clock Speed for Selective Power Reduction
Retention Sleep with On-Chip Ultra Low-Power Retention Regulator
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Operation:
Detects clock failure and switches to on-chip, low-power RC Oscillator
Power-on Reset (POR), Brown-out Reset (BOR)
Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
Programmable High/Low-Voltage Detect (HLVD)
Flexible Watchdog Timer (WDT) with RC Oscillator for Reliable Operation
Deadman Timer (DMT) for Safety-Critical Applications
Programmable 32-Bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Generator
Flash OTP by ICSP™ Write Inhibit when extract microchip pic24fj32gp202 mcu flash memory firmware
CodeGuard™ Security
ECC Flash Memory (64 Kbytes) with Fault Injection:
Single Error Correction (SEC)
Double-Error Detection (DED)
Customer OTP Memory
Unique Device Identifier (UDID)
Supply Voltage Range of 0V to 3.6V
Operating Ambient Temperature Range of -40°C to +125°C

On-Chip Voltage Regulators (1.8V) for Low-Power Operation
ECC Flash Memory (64 Kbytes):
10,000 erase/write cycle endurance, typical
Data retention: 20 years minimum
Self-programmable under software control
Flash OTP emulation
8-Kbyte SRAM
Programmable Reference Clock Output
In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) and In-Circuit Emulation (ICE) via Two Pins
JTAG Boundary Scan Support