The Idle modes allow the controller’s CPU to be selectively shut down while the peripherals continue to operate to faciliate the process of Read Protected Microchip PIC18F2680 Eeprom Content. Selecting a particular Idle mode allows users to further manage power consumption. If the IDLEN bit is set to a ‘1’ when a SLEEP instruction is executed, the peripherals will be clocked from the clock source selected using the SCS1:SCS0 bits; however, the CPU will not be clocked
The clock source status bits are not affected. Setting IDLEN and executing a SLEEP instruction provides a quick method of switching from a given Run mode to its corresponding Idle mode. If the WDT is selected, the INTRC source will continue to operate. If the Timer1 oscillator is enabled, it will also continue to run when Read Protected Microchip PIC18F2680 Eeprom Content.
Since the CPU is not executing instructions, the only exits from any of the Idle modes are by interrupt, WDT time-out or a Reset. When a wake event occurs, CPU execution is delayed by an interval of TCSD (parameter 38, Table 22-10) while it becomes ready to execute code. When the CPU begins executing code, it resumes with the same clock source for the current Idle mode.
For example, when waking from RC_IDLE mode, the internal oscillator block will clock the CPU and peripherals (in other words, RC_RUN mode). The IDLEN and SCS bits are not affected by the wake-up. While in any Idle mode or the Sleep mode, a WDT time-out will result in a WDT wake-up to the Run mode currently specified by the SCS1:SCS0 bits before Read Protected Microchip PIC18F2680 Eeprom Content.