Read MCU PIC16LF76 Eeprom content and download the firmware to new MCU to clone microprocessor PIC16LF76 memory, reverse engineering microcontroller to locate the security fuse bit;

PIC16LF76 devices are available only in 28-pin packages, while PIC16LF76 devices are available in 40-pin and 44-pin packages. All devices in the PIC16F7X family share common architecture, with the following differences when Read pic16lf72 MCU program:
- The PIC16LF76 have one-half of the total on-chip memory of the PIC16LF76
- The 28-pin devices have 3 I/O ports, while the 40/44-pin devices have 5
- The 28-pin devices have 11 interrupts, while the 40/44-pin devices have 12
- The 28-pin devices have 5 A/D input channels, while the 40/44-pin devices have 8
- The Parallel Slave Port is implemented only on the 40/44-pin devices
The available features are summarized in Table 1-1.
Block diagrams of the PIC16LF76 after copy pic18f2480 MCU program.
Additional information may be found in the PICmicro™
Mid-Range Reference Manual (DS33023), which may be obtained from your local Microchip Sales Representative or downloaded from the Microchip website.
The Reference Manual should be considered a complementary document to this data sheet, and is highly recommended reading for a better understanding of the device architecture and operation of the peripheral modules if copy pic16f77 MCU firmware .
There are two memory blocks in each of these PICmicro® MCUs. The Program Memory and Data Memory have separate buses so that concurrent access can occur and is detailed in this section.
The Program Memory can be read internally by user code (see Section 3.0). Additional information on device memory may be found in the PICmicro Mid-Range Reference Manual (DS33023).