Read Locked Microcomputer dsPIC30F2012 Binary

We can Read Locked Microcomputer dsPIC30F2012 Binary, please view the Microcomputer dsPIC30F2012 features for your reference:

Clock arbitration occurs when the master, during any receive, transmit or Repeated Start/Stop condition, deasserts the SCL pin (SCL allowed to float high). When the SCL pin is allowed to float high, the Baud Rate Generator (BRG) is suspended from counting until the SCL pin is actually sampled high.

Read Locked Microcomputer dsPIC30F2012 Binary
Read Locked Microcomputer dsPIC30F2012 Binary

When the SCL pin is sampled high, the Baud Rate Generator is reloaded with the contents of SSPADD<6:0> and begins counting. This ensures that the SCL high time will always be at least one BRG rollover count in the event that the clock is held low by an external device when read mcu code.

To initiate a Start condition, the user sets the Start Enable bit, SEN (SSPCON2<0>). If the SDA and SCL pins are sampled high, the Baud Rate Generator is reloaded with the contents of SSPADD<6:0> and starts its count. If SCL and SDA are both sampled high when the Baud Rate Generator times out (TBRG) by Clone IC code, the SDA pin is driven low. The action of the SDA being driven low while SCL is high is the Start condition and causes the S bit (SSPSTAT<3>) to be set.

Following this, the Baud Rate Generator is reloaded with the contents of SSPADD<6:0> and resumes its count. When the Baud Rate Generator times out (TBRG), the SEN bit (SSPCON2<0>) will be automatically cleared by hardware; the Baud Rate Generator is suspended, leaving the SDA line held low and the Start condition is complete if the firmware of chip can be read.

If at the beginning of the Start condition, the SDA and SCL pins are already sampled low, or if during the Start condition, the SCL line is sampled low before the SDA line is driven low, a bus collision occurs, the Bus Collision Interrupt Flag, BCLIF, is set, the Start condition is aborted and the I2C module is reset into its Idle state.

If the user writes the SSPBUF when a Start sequence is in progress, the WCOL is set and the contents of the buffer are unchanged (the write doesn’t occur).Because queueing of events is not allowed, writing to the lower 5 bits of SSPCON2 is disabled until the Start condition is complete.