Read IC PIC16LF747 Heximal

Read IC PIC16LF747 Heximal out from its flash memory after reverse engineering microcontroller PIC16LF747 and figure out the MCU circuitry scheme for the location of security fuse bit; 

Read IC PIC16LF747 Heximal out from its flash memory after reverse engineering microcontroller PIC16LF747 and figure out the MCU circuitry scheme for the location of security fuse bit

A single comparator is shown in Figure 8-1 along with the relationship between the analog input levels and the digital output. When the analog voltage at VIN+ is less than the analog voltage at VIN-, the output of the comparator is a digital low level when mcu attiny84v binary reading.

When the analog voltage at VIN+ is greater than the analog voltage at VIN-, the output of the comparator is a digital high level. Each comparator has a separate control and Configuration register: CM1CON0 for Comparator C1 and CM2CON0 for Comparator C2.

In addition, Comparator C2 has a second control register, CM2CON1, for controlling the interaction with Timer1 and simultaneous reading of both comparator outputs. The CM1CON0 and CM2CON0 registers (see Registers 8-1 and 8-2, respectively) contain the control and Status bits for the following before chip attiny25v software reading:


Input selection

Reference selection

Output selection

Output polarity

Setting the CxON bit of the CMxCON0 register enables the comparator for operation. Clearing the CxON bit disables the comparator resulting in minimum current consumption. The CxCH<1:0> bits of the CMxCON0 register direct one of four analog input pins to the comparator inverting input.

Setting the CxR bit of the CMxCON0 register directs a internal voltage reference or an analog input pin to the non-inverting input of the comparator. “Comparator SR Latch” for more information on the Internal Voltage Reference module when mcu attiny45v program reading.

The output of the comparator can be monitored by reading either the CxOUT bit of the CMxCON0 register or the MCxOUT bit of the CM2CON1 register. In order to make the output available for an external connection, the following conditions must be true:

  • CxOE bit of the CMxCON0 register must be set
  • Corresponding TRIS bit must be cleared
  • CxON bit of the CMxCON0 register must be set

Inverting the output of the comparator is functionally equivalent to swapping the comparator inputs. The polarity of the comparator output can be inverted by setting the CxPOL bit of the CMxCON0 register. Clearing the CxPOL bit results in a non-inverted output. Table 8-1 shows the output state versus input conditions, including polarity control.