Extract PIC MCU 16LC621 Program

Extract PIC MCU 16LC621 Program from its flash memory and data from eeprom memory, then copy the heximal into blank Microcontroller PIC16LC621 for the exact IC cloning;

Extract PIC MCU 16LC621 Program from its flash memory and data from eeprom memory, then copy the heximal into blank Microcontroller PIC16LC621 for the exact IC cloning
Extract PIC MCU 16LC621 Program from its flash memory and data from eeprom memory, then copy the heximal into blank Microcontroller PIC16LC621 for the exact IC cloning

The diagram for this pin. The RA5/AN4/C2OUT/SS/SEG5 pin is configurable to function as one of the following:

a general purpose I/O

a digital output from Comparator 2 

a slave select input

an analog output for the LCD

an analog input for the A/D

PORTB is a general purpose I/O port with similar functionality as the PIC16F77. All PORTB pins can have a weak pull-up feature, and PORTB<7:4> implements an interrupt-on-input change functions.

PORTB is also used for the Serial Flash programming interface. RB<7:6> are used as data and clock signals, respectively, for both serial programming and the in-circuit debugger features on the device. Also, RB0 can be configured as an external interrupt input before at89ls51 mcu firmware extraction.

Each of the PORTB pins has an individually configurable internal weak pull-up. Control bits WPUB<7:0> enable or disable each pull-up. Refer to Register 3-6. Each weak pull-up is automatically turned off when the port pin is configured as an output after pic16lf621 program.

The pull-ups are disabled on a Power-on Reset by the RBPU bit (OPTION_REG<7>).  Four of the PORTB pins are individually configurable as an interrupt-on-change pin. Control bits IOCB<7:4> enable or disable the interrupt function for each pin before extract microcontroller at89ls52 hex.

Refer to Register 3-5. The interrupt-on-change feature is disabled on a Power-on Reset. For enabled interrupt-on-change pins, the values are compared with the old value latched on the last read of PORTB.

The ‘mismatch’ outputs of the last read are OR’d together to set the PORTB Change Interrupt flag bit (RBIF) in the INTCON register (Register 2-3).  This interrupt can wake the device from Sleep. The user, in the Interrupt Service Routine, clears the interrupt by:

Any read or write of PORTB. This will end the mismatch condition.

Clear the flag bit RBIF.

A mismatch condition will continue to set flag bit RBIF. Reading or writing PORTB will end the mismatch condition and allow flag bit RBIF to be cleared. The latch holding the last read value is not affected by a MCLR nor Brown-out Reset. After these Resets, the RBIF flag will continue to be set if a mismatch is present from MCU at89lv51 binary extraction.