Extract Microcontroller PIC16F883 File

Extract Microcontroller PIC16F883 File will help engineer to recover MCU content from original one and duplicate the heximal to other blank MCUs for MCU cloning;

Extract Microcontroller PIC16F883 File will help engineer to recover MCU
Sample_Number= Client_Number= Client_Name=Honeywell Project_number=961 Comment= Operator=EWH Instrument=Personal SEM Analysis_Time=09:47 Analysis_Date=04/15/04 Accelerating_Voltage= 20.0 keV Spot_Size= 30.1 % Probe_Current= 0.0 pA Working_Distance= 17 mm Take_Off_Angle=39 deg User_defined_A= User_defined_B= User_defined_C= User_defined_D= User_defined_E= User_defined_F= User_defined_G= Caption=000 STAGE_X= -9999.000000 STAGE_Y= -9999.000000 STAGE_R= -9999.000000 STAGE_T= -9999.000000 Mag= 200 Zoom= 1.0000 Scale= 0.97656

All other EUSART control bits are assumed to be in their default state. Setting the CREN bit of the RCSTA register enables the receiver circuitry of the EUSART. Clearing the SYNC bit of the TXSTA register configures the EUSART for asynchronous operation when extract microcontroller file.

Setting the SPEN bit of the RCSTA register enables the EUSART and automatically configures the RX/DT I/O pin as an input. If the RX/DT pin is shared with an analog peripheral the analog I/O function must be disabled by clearing the corresponding ANSEL bit if extract microcontroller file.

The receiver data recovery circuit initiates character reception on the falling edge of the first bit. The first bit, also known as the Start bit, is always a zero. The data recovery circuit counts one-half bit time to the center of the Start bit and verifies that the bit is still a zero before extract microcontroller file.

If it is not a zero then the data recovery circuit aborts character reception, without generating an error, and resumes looking for the falling edge of the Start bit. If the Start bit zero verification succeeds then the data recovery circuit counts a full bit time to the center of the next bit after extract microcontroller file.

The bit is then sampled by a majority detect circuit and the resulting ‘0’ or ‘1’ is shifted into the RSR. This repeats until all data bits have been sampled and shifted into the RSR. One final bit time is measured and the level sampled when extract microcontroller file.

This is the Stop bit, which is always a ‘1’. If the data recovery circuit samples a ‘0’ in the Stop bit position then a framing error is set for this character, otherwise the framing error is cleared for this character if extract microcontroller file.

Error” for more information on framing errors. Immediately after all data bits and the Stop bit have been received, the character in the RSR is transferred to the EUSART receive FIFO and the RCIF interrupt flag bit of the PIR1 register is set. The top character in the FIFO is transferred out of the FIFO by reading the RCREG register before extract microcontroller file.