We can Extract Locked Microchip PIC18F4423 Source Code, please view the Microchip PIC18F4423 features for your reference:
The PC addresses bytes in the program memory. To prevent the PC from becoming misaligned with word instructions, the Least Significant bit of PCL is fixed to a value of ‘0’. The PC increments by 2 to address sequential instructions in the program memory.
The CALL, RCALL, GOTO and program branch instructions write to the program counter directly. For these instructions, the contents of PCLATH and PCLATU are not transferred to the program counter. The return address stack allows any combination of up to 31 program calls and interrupts to occur. The PC is pushed onto the stack when a CALL or RCALL instruction is executed or an interrupt is Acknowledged when Extract Locked Microchip PIC18F4423 Source Code.
The PC value is pulled off the stack on a RETURN, RETLW or a RETFIE instruction. PCLATU and PCLATH are not affected by any of the RETURN or CALL instructions. The stack operates as a 31-word by 21-bit RAM and a 5-bit Stack Pointer, STKPTR. The stack space is not part of either program or data space. The Stack Pointer is readable and writable and the address on the top of the stack is readable and writable through the Top-of-Stack Special Function Registers.
Data can also be pushed to, or popped from the stack, using these registers. A CALL type instruction causes a push onto the stack; the Stack Pointer is first incremented and the location pointed to by the Stack Pointer is written with the contents of the PC (already pointing to the instruction following the CALL). A RETURN type instruction causes a pop from the stack; the contents of the location pointed to by the STKPTR are transferred to the PC and then the Stack Pointer is decremented if Extract Locked Microchip PIC18F4423 Source Code.
The Stack Pointer is initialized to ‘00000’ after all Resets. There is no RAM associated with the location corresponding to a Stack Pointer value of ‘00000’; this is only a Reset value. Status bits indicate if the stack is full, has overflowed or has underflowed before EXTRACT IC.