We can Extract Code of Microprocessor SN8P2317, please view the Microprocessor SN8P2317 features for your reference:
It is important to note that the extensions to the instruction set may not be beneficial to all users. In particular, users who are not writing code that uses a software stack may not benefit from using the extensions to the instruction set by recover MCU. Additionally, the Indexed Literal Offset Addressing mode may create issues with legacy applications written to the SN8P2317 assembler.
This is because instructions in the legacy code may attempt to address registers in the Access Bank below 5Fh. Since these addresses are interpreted as literal offsets to FSR2 when the instruction set extension is enabled, the application may read or write to the wrong data addresses when extract code from MCU.
When porting an application to the SN8P2317, it is very important to consider the type of code. A large, re-entrant application that is written in ‘C’ and would benefit from efficient compilation will do well when using the instruction set extensions.
Legacy applications that heavily use the Access Bank will most likely not benefit from using the extended instruction set. The latest versions of Microchip’s software tools have been designed to fully support the extended instruction set of the SN8P2317 family of devices after the hex of microcontroller has been extracted.
This includes the MPLAB C18 C compiler, MPASM assembly language and MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE). When selecting a target device for software development, MPLAB IDE will automatically set default configuration bits for that device.
The default setting for the XINST configuration bit is ‘0’, disabling the extended instruction set and Indexed Literal Offset Addressing mode. For proper execution of applications developed to take advantage of the extended instruction set, XINST must be set during programming.