This mode is unique among the three low-power Idle modes, in that it does not disable the primary device clock. For timing sensitive applications, this allows for the fastest resumption of device operation with its more accurate primary clock source in the process of Decode Secured Microchip MCU PIC18F2682 Firmware, since the clock source does not have to “warm-up” or transition from another oscillator.
PRI_IDLE mode is entered from PRI_RUN mode by setting the IDLEN bit and executing a SLEEP instruction. If the device is in another Run mode, set IDLEN first, then clear the SCS bits and execute SLEEP. Although the CPU is disabled, the peripherals continue to be clocked from the primary clock source specified by the FOSC3:FOSC0 Configuration bits. The OSTS bit remains set when Decode Secured Microchip MCU PIC18F2682 Firmware.
When a wake event occurs, the CPU is clocked from the primary clock source. A delay of interval TCSD is required between the wake event and when code execution starts. This is required to allow the CPU to become ready to execute instructions of Copying Microchip PIC16F87 Code. After the wake-up, the OSTS bit remains set. The IDLEN and SCS bits are not affected by the wake-up.
In SEC_IDLE mode, the CPU is disabled but the peripherals continue to be clocked from the Timer1 oscillator. This mode is entered from SEC_RUN by setting the IDLEN bit and executing a SLEEP instruction. If the device is in another Run mode, set the IDLEN bit first, then set the SCS1:SCS0 bits to ‘01’ and execute SLEEP. When the clock source is switched to the Timer1 oscillator, the primary oscillator is shut down, the OSTS bit is cleared and the T1RUN bit is set to facilitate the process of Extract Microcontroller PIC16C710 Code.
When a wake event occurs, the peripherals continue to be clocked from the Timer1 oscillator. After an interval of TCSD following the wake event, the CPU begins executing code being clocked by the Timer1 oscillator. The IDLEN and SCS bits are not affected by the wake-up; the Timer1 oscillator continues to run when Crack MCU.