Copy MCU PIC16F819 Software is a process to dump the firmware out from Microcontroller PIC16F819 memory which include its flash and eeprom, different way of IC breaking methods will be applied for the process;

The PSP can directly interface to an 8-bit microprocessor data bus. The external microprocessor can read or write the PORTD latch as an 8-bit latch.
Setting bit PSPMODE enables port pin RE0/RD to be the RD input, RE1/WR to be the WR input and RE2/CS to be the CS (chip select) input before read microcontroller atmega2560L code.
For this functionality, the corresponding data direction bits of the TRISE register (TRISE<2:0>) must be configured as inputs (i.e., set ).
The A/D port configuration bits PCFG3:PCFG0 (ADCON1<3:0>) must be set to configure pins RE2:RE0 as digital I/O. There are actually two 8-bit latches, one for data output (external reads) and one for data input (external writes) after extract IC atmega861v code.
The firmware writes 8-bit data to the PORTD output data latch and reads data from the PORTD input data latch (note that they have the same address).
In this mode, the TRISD register is ignored, since the external device is controlling the direction of data flow. An external write to the PSP occurs when the CS and WR lines are both detected low.
Firmware can read the actual data on the PORTD pins during this time. When either the CS or WR lines become high (level triggered), the data on the PORTD pins is latched, and the Input Buffer Full (IBF) status flag bit (TRISE<7>) and interrupt flag bit PSPIF (PIR1<7>) are set on the Q4 clock cycle before extract chip atmega261 code.
Following the next Q2 cycle to signal the write is complete (Figure 4-9). Firmware clears the IBF flag by reading the latched PORTD data, and clears the PSPIF bit.
The Input Buffer Overflow (IBOV) status flag bit (TRISE<5>) is set if an external write to the PSP occurs while the IBF flag is set from a previous external write. The previous PORTD data is overwritten with the new data. IBOV is cleared by reading PORTD and clearing IBOV.