Copy MCU Microchip PIC16F1902 Heximal

The 4x frequency multiplier can be used with the internal oscillator block to produce faster device clock speeds than are normally possible with an internal oscillator which is a common way to Copy MCU Microchip PIC16F1902 Heximal. When enabled, the PLL produces a clock speed of up to 32 MHz. Unlike HSPLL mode, the PLL is controlled through software. The control bit, PLLEN (OSCTUNE<6>), is used to enable or disable its operation.

Copy MCU Microchip PIC16F1902 Heximal

The PLL is available when the device is configured to use the internal oscillator block as its primary clock source (FOSC3:FOSC0 = 1001 or 1000). Additionally, the PLL will only function when the selected output frequency is either 4 MHz or 8 MHz (OSCCON<6:4> =111 or 110). If both of these conditions are not met, the PLL is disabled.

The PLLEN control bit is only functional in those Internal Oscillator modes where the PLL is available. In all other modes, it is forced to ‘0’ and is effectively unavailable. The factory calibrates the internal oscillator block output (INTOSC) for 8 MHz. However, this frequency may drift as VDD or temperature changes, which canaffect the controller operation in a variety of ways.

It is possible to adjust the INTOSC frequency by modifying the value in the OSCTUNE register. This has no effect on the INTRC clock source frequency to facilitate the process of Copy Program Of Microchip IC PIC18LF252. Tuning the INTOSC source requires knowing when to make the adjustment, in which direction it should be made and in some cases, how large a change is needed.

An adjustment may be required when the EUSART begins to generate framing errors or receives data with errors while in Asynchronous mode. Framing errors indicate that the device clock frequency is too high; to adjust for this, decrement the value in OSCTUNE to reduce the clock frequency. On the other hand, errors in data may suggest that the clock speed is too low; to compensate, increment OSCTUNE to increase the clock frequency.