Copy Heximal of ATXMEGA192A3

Alternative current to direct current conversion has play an important role in the process of Copy Heximal of ATXMEGA192A3, hereby please check some of the features of ADC functions in ATXMEGA192A3:

ADC has increased INL error for some operating conditions

Some ADC configurations or operating condition will result in increased INL error.

In differential mode INL is increased to:

– 6 LSB for sample rates above 1 Msps, and up to 8 LSB for 2 Msps sample rate.

– 6 LSB for reference voltage below 1.1V when VCC is above 3.0V

– 20 LSB for ambient temperature below 0 degree C and reference voltage below 1.3V.

In single ended mode, the INL is increased up to a factor of 3 for the conditions above.

Copy Heximal of ATXMEGA192A3

Problem fix/Workaround

None, avoid using the ADC in the above configurations in order to prevent increased INL error.

DAC has increased INL or noise for some operating conditions

Some DAC configurations or operating condition will result in increased output error.

– INL error is increased up to 35 LSB when VCC < 2.0V

– Enabling Sample and Hold, will increase noise and reduce resolution below 8 bit microcontroller

Problem fix/Workaround

None, avoid using the DAC in the above configurations in order to prevent increased INL


VCC voltage scaler for AC is non-linear

The 6-bit VCC voltage scaler in the Analog Comparators is non-linear. The typical voltage

output versus the scale factor for different VCC voltages is shown below:

Problem fix/Workaround

Use external voltage input for the analog comparator if accurate voltage levels are needed