Chip Extract binary Technology can be diversified as three different ways, they are un-invasive, semi-invasive and invasive Extract Microcontroller Firmware methods. And also there is a very deep blank area within the gap between un-invasive and invasive extract, and there are a lot of technologies belongs to this chip extract heximal method, is much cheaper than the invasive chip extract, and its repeatibility is similar to un-invasive attack.
Semi-Invasive Copy Microcontroller Program method need to decapsulate the chip to visit and access the chip die just like invasive chip extract method does. But it can keep the deactivation layer impact and unspoiled. Semi-invasive chip extract doesn’t need to strip off the deactivation layer or create the internal connection without using the expensive equipment such as microprobe, focus ion beam, laser cutting, etc.
Semi-invasive Microcontroller Unlocking eeprom is not the whole new set of technology, decades ago in the microcontroller chip which use EEPROM or OTP rom, designer will use ultra-violet to shield the security fuse. Modern microcontroller chip seldom being recovered by this kind of technology so had been taken into consideration ever since.

Advanced Imaging Technology can also be the semi-invasive chip firmware extract skill. Include the infrared radiation, laser scanning and thermal imaging. Some of them can be used on the rear side of chip, it is very impactful on the modern chip which has the multilayer metal design. Some of these technologies can even observe the individual transistor inside chip.