Copy Microchip Processor PIC16F1509 Memory File

How to Copy Microchip Processor PIC16F1509 Memory File, one of the most effective ways to compromise the defending system of PIC16F1509 is understand the interruption mechanism of PWM time base.

The input clock to PTMR (FOSC/4) has prescaler options of 1:1, 1:4, 1:16 or 1:64. These are selected by control bits, PTCKPS<1:0>, in the PTCON0 register.

The prescaler counter is cleared when any of the following occurs:

  • Write to the PTMR register
  • Write to the PTCON (PTCON0 or PTCON1) register
  • Any device Reset


The PTMR register is not cleared when PTCONx is written. Table 13-1 shows the minimum PWM frequencies that can be generated with the PWM time base and the prescaler. An operating frequency of 40 MHz (FCYC = 10 MHz) and PTPER = 0xFFF are assumed in the table. The PWM module must be capable of generating PWM signals at the line frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) for certain power control applications to facilitate the process of Microchip MCU PIC16F870 Heximal Extraction.

Copy Microchip Processor PIC16F1509 Memory File

The match output of PTMR can optionally be postscaled through a 4-bit postscaler (which gives a 1:1 to 1:16 scaling inclusive) to generate an interrupt. The postscaler counter is cleared when any of the following occurs:

  • Write to the PTMR register
  • Write to the PTCONx register
  • Any device Reset

The PTMR register is not cleared when PTCONx is written.

The PWM timer can generate interrupts based on the modes of operation selected by the PTMOD<1:0> bits and the postscaler bits (PTOPS<3:0>).  When the PWM time base is in the Free-Running mode (PTMOD<1:0> = 00) after Microprocessor PIC16LF871 Code Extraction, an interrupt event is generated each time a match with the PTPER register occurs. The PTMR register is reset to zero in the following clock edge. Using a postscaler selection other than 1:1 will reduce the frequency of interrupt events.