We can Read Protected Microcontroller PIC16F1937 Program, please view the Microcontroller PIC16F1937 features for your reference:
Timer1 can operate in one of these modes:
- As a timer
- As a synchronous counter
- As an asynchronous counter
The operating mode is determined by the Clock Select bit, TMR1CS (T1CON<1>).
When TMR1CS = 0, Timer1 increments every instruction cycle. When TMR1CS = 1, Timer1 increments on every rising edge of the external clock input or the Timer1 oscillator, if enabled only after Extract Microprocessor PIC16C72A Heximal.
When the Timer1 oscillator is enabled (T1OSCEN is set), the T1OSI and T1OSO/T1CKI pins become inputs. That is, the corresponding TRISA bit value is ignored, and the pins are read as ‘0’ by Crack MCU.
A crystal oscillator circuit is built-in between pins T1OSI (input) and T1OSO/TICKI (amplifier output). The placement of these pins depends on the value of Configuration bit, T1OSCMX (see Section 19.1 “Configuration Bits”). It is enabled by setting control bit T1OSCEN (T1CON<3>) before Read Protected Microcontroller PIC16F1937 Program.
The oscillator is a low-power oscillator rated for 32 kHz crystals. It will continue to run during all power-managed modes to facilitate the process of Read MCU PIC16C73B Eeprom. The circuit for a typical LP oscillator is shown in Figure 12-3. Table 12-1 shows the capacitor selection for the Timer1 oscillator. The user must provide a software time delay to ensure proper start-up of the Timer1 oscillator.