Extract Microchip MCU PIC18F4523 Protected Code

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The destination of the operation’s results is determined by the destination bit ‘d’. When ‘d’ is ‘1’, the results are stored back in the source register, overwriting its original contents. When ‘d’ is ‘0’, the results are stored in the W register. Instructions without the ‘d’ argument have a destination that is implicit in the instruction; their destination is either the target register being operated on or the W register.

Indirect Addressing allows the user to access a location in data memory without giving a fixed address in the instruction. This is done by using File Select Registers (FSRs) as pointers to the locations to be read or written to. Since the FSRs are themselves located in RAM as Special Function Registers, they can also be directly manipulated under program control when Extract Microchip MCU PIC18F4523 Protected Code.

This makes FSRs very useful in implementing data structures, such as tables and arrays in data memory. The registers for Indirect Addressing are also implemented with Indirect File Operands (INDFs) that permit automatic manipulation of the pointer value with auto-incrementing, auto-decrementing or offsetting with another value.

This allows for efficient code, using loops, such as the example of clearing an entire RAM bank.  At the core of Indirect Addressing are three sets of registers: FSR0, FSR1 and FSR2. Each represents a pair of 8-bit registers, FSRnH and FSRnL. The four upper bits of the FSRnH register are not used so each FSR pair holds a 12-bit value. This represents a value that can address the entire range of the data memory in a linear fashion after Extract Microchip MCU PIC18F4523 Protected Code.