Extract Heximal from Encrypted MCU PIC10F206

We can Extract Heximal from Encrypted MCU PIC10F206, please view the Encrypted MCU PIC10F206 features for your reference:

Once the MSSP module has been enabled, it waits for a Start condition to occur. Following the Start condition, the 8 bits are shifted into the SSPSR register. All incoming bits are sampled with the rising edge of the clock (SCL) line.

Extract Heximal from Encrypted MCU PIC10F206

The value of register SSPSR<7:1> is compared to the value of the SSPADD register. The address is compared on the falling edge of the eighth clock (SCL) pulse. If the addresses match and the BFand SSPOV bits are clear, the following events occur when extract code from chip:

The SSPSR register value is loaded into the SSPBUF register. The Buffer Full bit, BF, is set. An ACK pulse is generated. MSSP Interrupt Flag bit, SSPIF (PIR1<3>), is set (interrupt is generated, if enabled) on thefalling edge of the ninth SCL pulse.

In 10-bit Address mode, two address bytes need to be received by the slave. The five Most Significant bits (MSbs) of the first address byte specify if this is a 10-bit address. Bit R/W (SSPSTAT<2>) must specify a write so the slave device will receive the second address byte.For a 10-bit address, the first byte would equal ‘11110 A9 A8 0’, where ‘A9’ and ‘A8’ are the two MSbs of the address before the microcontroller’s firmware can be extracted.

The sequence of events for 10-bit address is a follows, with steps 7 through 9 for the slave-transmitter:

Receive first (high) byte of address (bits SSPIF, BF and UA (SSPSTAT<1>) are set). Update the SSPADD register with second (low) byte of address (clears bit UA and releases the SCL line). Read the SSPBUF register to Crack MCU (clears bit BF) and clear flag bit, SSPIF.

Receive second (low) byte of address (bits SSPIF, BF and UA are set). Update the SSPADD register with the first (high) byte of address. If match releases SCL line, this will clear bit UA. Read the SSPBUF register (clears bit BF) and clear flag bit, SSPIF. Receive Repeated Start condition. Receive first (high) byte of address (bits SSPIF and BF are set). Read the SSPBUF register (clears bit BF) and clear flag bit, SSPIF.