Read Out Microcontroller PIC16F690 Program

We can Read Out Microcontroller PIC16F690 Program, please view the Microcontroller PIC16F690 features for your reference:

The SSP consists of a transmit/receive shift register (SSPSR) and a buffer register (SSPBUF). The SSPSR shifts the data in and out of the device, MSb first. The SSPBUF holds the data that was written to the SSPSR until the received data is ready when unlock microcontroller program.

Read Out Microcontroller PIC16F690 Program
Read Out Microcontroller PIC16F690 Program

Once the eight bits of data have been received, that byte is moved to the SSPBUF register. Then, the Buffer Full Status bit BF of the SSPSTAT register, and the interrupt flag bit SSPIF, are set. This double-buffering of the received data (SSPBUF) allows the next byte to start reception before reading the data that was just received if read out microcontroller program.

Any write to the SSPBUF register during transmission/reception of data will be ignored and the Write Collision Detect bit, WCOL of the SSPCON register, will be set. User software must clear the WCOL bit so that it can be determined if the following write(s) to the SSPBUF register completed successfully before read out microcontroller program.

When the application software is expecting to receive valid data, the SSPBUF should be read before the next byte of data to transfer is written to the SSPBUF. Buffer Full bit BF of the SSPSTAT register indicates when SSPBUF has been loaded with the received data (transmission is complete) after read out microcontroller program.

When the SSPBUF is read, the BF bit is cleared. This data may be irrelevant if the SPI is only a transmitter. Generally, the SSP interrupt is used to determine when the transmission/reception has completed when read out microcontroller program.

The SSPBUF must be read and/or written. If the interrupt method is not going to be used, then software polling can be done to ensure that a write collision does not occur. Example 13-1 shows the loading of the SSPBUF (SSPSR) for data transmission. The SSPSR is not directly readable or writable and can only be accessed by addressing the SSPBUF register.

Additionally, the SSP Status register (SSPSTAT) indicates the various status conditions. To enable the serial port, SSP Enable bit SSPEN of the SSPCON register must be set. To reset or reconfigure SPI mode, clear the SSPEN bit, re-initialize the SSPCON registers and then set the SSPEN bit.

This configures the SDI, SDO, SCK and SS pins as serial port pins. For the pins to behave as the serial port function, some must have their data direction bits (in the TRISB and TRISC registers) appropriately programmed.