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The Enhanced PWM Mode can generate a PWM signal on up to four different output pins with up to 10-bits of resolution. It can do this through four different PWM Output modes:
- Single PWM
- Half-Bridge PWM
- Full-Bridge PWM, Forward mode
- Full-Bridge PWM, Reverse mode
- To select an Enhanced PWM mode, the P1M bits of the CCP1CON register must be set appropriately.The PWM outputs are multiplexed with I/O pins and are designated P1A, P1B, P1C and P1D. The polarity of the PWM pins is configurable and is selected by setting the CCP1M bits in the CCP1CON register appropriately. Table 11-4 shows the pin assignments for each Enhanced PWM mode if extract microcontroller atmega644 code.
Figure 11-5 shows an example of a simplified block diagram of the Enhanced PWM module.
In Half-Bridge mode, two pins are used as outputs to drive push-pull loads. The PWM output signal is output on the CCP1/P1A pin, while the complementary PWM output signal is output on the P1B pin (see Figure 11-6). This mode can be used for Half-Bridge applications, as shown in Figure 11-9, or for Full-Bridge applications, where four power switches are being modulated with two PWM signals.
In Half-Bridge mode, the programmable dead-band delay can be used to prevent shoot-through current in Half-Bridge power devices. The value of the PDC<6:0> bits of the PWM1CON register sets the number of instruction cycles before the output is driven active. If the value is greater than the duty cycle, the corresponding output remains inactive during the entire cycle after extract mcu atmega644pa code.
Since the P1A and P1B outputs are multiplexed with the PORT data latches, the associated TRIS bits must be cleared to configure P1A and P1B as outputs.
In Full-Bridge mode, all four pins are used as outputs. An example of Full-Bridge application is shown in Figure 11-10.
In the Forward mode, pin CCP1/P1A is driven to its active state, pin P1D is modulated, while P1B and P1C will be driven to their inactive state as shown in Figure 11-11. In the Reverse mode, P1C is driven to its active state, pin P1B is modulated, while P1A and P1D will be driven to their inactive state if extract chip atmega644pv code.
P1A, P1B, P1C and P1D outputs are multiplexed with the PORT data latches. The associated TRIS bits must be cleared to configure the P1A, P1B, P1C and P1D pins as outputs.