Readout Microcontroller PIC18F45K20 Flash Memory Software needs to UNLOCK mcu pic18f45k20 protection system and attack the secured pic18f45k20 memory fuse bit among processor;

The TBLRD instruction retrieves data from program memory and places it into data RAM. Table reads from program memory are performed one byte at a time. TBLPTR points to a byte address in program space. Executing TBLRD places the byte pointed to into TABLAT. In addition, TBLPTR can be modified automatically for the next table read operation through which features can be used to readout mcu pic18f442 code.
The internal program memory is typically organized by words. The Least Significant bit of the address selects between the high and low bytes of the word. Figure 6-4 shows the interface between the internal program memory and the TABLAT.

The sequence of events for erasing a block of internal program memory is:
- Load Table Pointer register with address of block being erased.
- Set the EECON1 register for the erase operation:
- set EEPGD bit to point to program memory;
- clear the CFGS bit to access program memory;
- set WREN bit to enable writes;
- set FREE bit to enable the erase.
- Disable interrupts.
- Write 55h to EECON2.
- Write 0AAh to EECON2.
- Set the WR bit. This will begin the block erase cycle.
- The CPU will stall for duration of the erase (about 2 ms using internal timer).
- Re-enable interrupts.