Read MCU ATmega1280V Program will take advantage of breaking mcu atmega1280v fuse bit by focus ion beam and then unlock encrypted microcontroller atmega1280v flash protection;

1. Non-Read-While-Write area of flash not functional
Part does not work under 2.4 volts
Incorrect ADC reading in differential mode
Internal ADC reference has too low value
IN/OUT instructions may be executed twice when Stack is in external RAM
EEPROM read from application code does not work in Lock Bit Mode 3
Non-Read-While-Write area of flash not functional if extract at89c55wd MCU eeprom
The Non-Read-While-Write area of the flash is not working as expected. The problem is related to the speed of the part when reading the flash of this area.
Problem Fix/Workaround
– Only use the first 248K of the flash.
– If boot functionality is needed, run the code in the Non-Read-While-Write area at maximum
1/4th of the maximum frequency of the device at any given voltage. This is done by writing the CLKPR register before entering the boot section of the code
- Part does not work under 2.4 volts
The part does not execute code correctly below 2.4 volts
Problem Fix/Workaround
Do not use the part at voltages below 2.4 volts.
- Incorrect ADC reading in differential mode
The ADC has high noise in differential mode. It can give up to 7 LSB error.
Problem Fix/Workaround
Use only the 7 MSB of the result when using the ADC in differential mode.
- Internal ADC reference has too low value
The internal ADC reference has a value lower than specified
Problem Fix/Workaround
– Use AVCC or external reference
– The actual value of the reference can be measured by applying a known voltage to the
ADC when using the internal reference. The result when doing later conversions can then be calibrated.
- IN/OUT instructions may be executed twice when Stack is in external RAM
If either an IN or an OUT instruction is executed directly before an interrupt occurs and the stack pointer is located in external ram, the instruction will be executed twice. In some cases this will cause a problem, for example:
– If reading SREG it will appear that the I-flag is cleared.
– If writing to the PIN registers, the port will toggle twice.
– If reading registers with interrupt flags, the flags will appear to be cleared.
Problem Fix/Workaround
There are two application work-arounds, where selecting one of them, will be omitting the issue:
– Replace IN and OUT with LD/LDS/LDD and ST/STS/STD instructions
– Use internal RAM for stack pointer.
- EEPROM read from application code does not work in Lock Bit Mode 3
When the Memory Lock Bits LB2 and LB1 are programmed to mode 3, EEPROM read does not work from the application code.
Problem Fix/Workaround
Do not set Lock Bit Protection Mode 3 when the application code needs to read from EEPROM.