Extract MCU PIC12F615 Code by breaking Microcontroller PIC12F615 protective fuse bit, focus ion beam will help to disable the protection and unlock the microprocessor;

Every PORTA pin on this device family has an interrupt-on-change option and a weak pull-up option. RA0 also has an Ultra Low-Power Wake-up option. The next three sections describe these functions when extract mcu embedded firmware.
The ANSEL and ANSELH registers are used to disable the input buffers of I/O pins, which allow analog voltages to be applied to those pins without causing excessive current. Setting the ANSx bit of a corresponding pin will cause all digital reads of that pin to return ‘0’ and also permit analog functions of that pin to operate correctly if extract microcontroller atmega8515l firmware.
The state of the ANSx bit has no effect on the digital output function of its corresponding pin. A pin with the TRISx bit clear and ANSx bit set will operate as a digital output, together with the analog input function of that pin.
Pins with the ANSx bit set always read ‘0’, which can cause unexpected behavior when executing read or write operations on the port due to the read-modify-write sequence of all such operations. Each of the PORTA pins, except RA3, has an individually configurable internal weak pull-up.
Control bits WPUAx enable or disable each pull-up. Refer to Register 4-4. Each weak pull-up is automatically turned off when the port pin is configured as an output. The pull-ups are disabled on a Power-on Reset by the RABPU bit of the OPTION register. A weak pull-up is automatically enabled for RA3 when configured as MCLR and disabled when RA3 is an I/O. There is no software control of the MCLR pull-up.
Each PORTA pin is individually configurable as an interrupt-on-change pin. Control bits IOCAx enable or disable the interrupt function for each pin. Refer to Register 4-6. The interrupt-on-change is disabled on a Power-on Reset. For enabled interrupt-on-change pins, the values are compared with the old value latched on the last read of PORTA.
The ‘mismatch’ outputs of the last read are OR’d together to set the PORTA Change Interrupt Flag bit (RABIF) in the INTCON register (Register 2-6). This interrupt can wake the device from Sleep. The user, in the Interrupt Service Routine, clears the interrupt by:
a) Any read or write of PORTA. This will end the mismatch condition, then,
b) Clear the flag bit RABIF. A mismatch condition will continue to set flag bit RABIF. Reading PORTA will end the mismatch condition and allow flag bit RABIF to be cleared. The latch holding the last read value is not affected by a MCLR nor BOR Reset. After these Resets, the RABIF flag will continueto be set if a mismatch is present.